Tester Name:Tony101
Testee Name:H-Sama
Tester Deck:Haze-Beast
Testee Deck:light rabbit
Deck Build:10 /10 (Must receive a screenshot from your testee)
Deck Originality: 10/15 (If they used one of the banned decks automatic 0)
Side Deck: 5 ( Its 5 or 0 if they have one 5 if none 0)
Rulings and Knowledge:25
Misplays:10 /10 (-1 for each)
Rulings:15 /15 ( did they know their own cards)
Misplay catch: 5 or 0 (This is a Special Category every tester must sneak a misplay in to the game and if its caught 5 points is awarded if not they gain 0)0
Attitude: 10
Did they maintain a good attitude throughout the match?10
Every test consists of 3 duels. For each duel both players use the same deck, and for each duel you get :
Duel 1: Win +10 Lose -10 (10)
Duel 2: Win +10 Lose -10 (10)
Duel 3: Win +10 Lose -10 (10)
If the testee scores below a 50 they do not make the clan and their next retest can't be for 1 week.
Overall Score: 90/100
50-60: Asmodeus
61-70: Desire
71-80: Invicil
81-99: Norleas <-------------(congrats)
100: Enrise
Banned decks:
Chaos Dragons
Chain Burn
Final Countdown